exploring the piano with jaime brandel

Jaime Brandel is a traveling teacher in Nelson B.C. who comes to your home! She accepts new students all year round. All ages, all levels, all genres are welcome. Whether you are 8 or 80, it is never too late to make music!

You will begin with the basics, and as you progress, Jaime will follow your lead in terms of the style of music you are most drawn to and how far you want to go.

Little Ones

Young children can learn music at an early age. Jaime recommends that you wait until your child has a basic knowledge of letters and numbers before beginning lessons. She uses books and materials tailored to young ones and mixes the lessson up with games and activities along with time at the keyboard. Jaime is a patient and gentle guide and respects the individual needs of her students.

Royal Conservatory of Music

If you are a serious student, or are very goal oriented, this is the program for you. Jaime will prepare you for practical exams and theory exams, or if you prefer, you can learn and progress without taking exams. You might even choose to learn some of the material and mix it up with a few jazz and popular pieces. It is entirely up to you!

Just For Fun

Are you more of a free spirit? Do you wish to learn some fun songs, just for the fun of it? Jaime will find you the music you are looking for and will help you bring the keys to life.


I remember the day that changed the course of my life. It was summertime and I was 10. We were having a picnic when a friend asked if we would keep their piano for a year. My mother turned to me and said “What do you think? Would you like to learn to play the piano?” I remember the excitement of all that new possibility.

I grew up at the piano and started giving lessons to neighbourhood kids when I was still in high school, as I continued my own piano studies. I went on to teach group piano lessons at a small music school and I realised then that this was my path. But not in a group setting. We all learn at our own pace, and I came to love working with my students one on one.

Here I am, over thirty  years later, and I still love what I do. I have watched my young students grow up and develop skills and reveal incredible talents. I have seen shy young children hit the performance and acting stage in their teenage years with passion and confidence. I watched as little ones outgrew their tiny starter keyboards, graduating to grand pianos and honours certificates. And best of all, I have nurtured wonderful connections with the families that I see each and every week, as I have become a bit of a household fixture in their homes throughout the years. I adore the families I work with and feel so incredibly grateful to have their support and friendship. It is humbling to realise that I have had a part in the growth of these children, not only in music, but in who they are becoming.

I hope to be fortunate enough to keep teaching, even when I turn old and grey. I get to play all day, and play keeps us young! For all of the wonderful people I have connected with and all of the new ones yet to come, I thank you… whole-heartedly.

Photo credit: Emily Norton


Jaime would love to hear from you… please reach out if you would like more information or if you would like to register for piano lessons.


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